Larceny is the wrongful and fraudulent taking and carrying away, by one person, of the personal goods of another from any place, with a felonious intent to convert them to his, the taker’s use, and make them his property, without the consent of the owner. Larceny can be either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the value of what was stolen.
Grand larceny is the taking and carrying away of property that exceeds $1000 in value. By contrast, petty larceny is the taking and carrying away of property worth less than $1000. Grand larceny is considered a felony and carries with conviction a stiffer penalty.
Burglary is also the taking of someone else’s property, but there are differences between burglary and larceny. Burglary involves the unlawful entry into a person’s home or workplace, with the intent of stealing something.
New York State laws governing larceny (both grand and petty) and burglary are complex and require specialized knowledge and expertise. New York City burglary lawyers, the Law Offices of Eric R. Bernstein, P.C. are your law firm for grand larceny or petit larceny legal team. Whether the charge against you is grand larceny or petty larceny, the criminal attorneys at the Law Offices of Eric R. Bernstein, P.C. can help. We know New York State laws governing larceny.
Talk to us before you talk to anyone else. Contact the Law Offices of Eric R. Bernstein, P.C. at (212) 683-1530 or email us.